Intersexo em ovino Santa Inês: relato de caso


  • Pedro Paulo Maia Teixeira
  • Maria Emilia Franco Oliveira
  • Lussandro Comarella Lechinoski
  • Victor José Correia Santos
  • Aline do Socorro Lima Kzam
  • Washington Luiz Assunção Pereira Centro de Pesquisa em Caprinos e Ovinos (CPCOP), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA), Belém, Pará, Brazil.
  • Luiz Fernando de Souza Rodrigues
  • Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente



This study reports a case of freemartinism of the XX/XY chimera type in a Santa Ines sheep belonging to a property in northeastern Para, Brazil. Discrete masculinization and external genitalia presenting a pseudo-foreskin with a hypoplastic penis were observed in vivo. Anatomopathological examination of the internal genitalia showed the absence of a cervix and bilateral presence of an ovary and testis. Variable degrees of development between the epididymis was also observed, accompanied by agenesis of the deferent ducts and other structures arising from the mesonephric ducts, were also observed. Follicular structures, a uterine tubular portion, with marked agenesis and aplasia of the uterine tubes and in some portions of the horns, as well as other parts of paramesonephric structures, were noted in the ovaries. Blood was collected for karyotype analysis and 10 metaphases obtained by short-term lymphocyte culture were examined. Two cell lines were identified: 54,XX (5 cells) and 54,XY (5 cells). Key words: Freemartin, XX/XY chimerism, sheep, Intersex


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