
  • Diogo Cesar Gomes da Silva Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Professor dos Cursos de Zootecnia e Medicina Veterinária.



The domestication of the dog did not adapt them to the human environment, but provided the means to adap to itt. Because of this, it is important to focus on attention and work directed to the organization of the their brain, regarding the social aspects of the dog, through so-called sensitive and socialization periods. However, social skills do not end at these times, but remain lifelong and in constant adaptation by respondent and operant learnings. This study is about the case of a female dog, Border Collie breed, seven years old, with the following behavioral problems: Fear of unfamiliar people with episodes of aggression; Generalized anxiety involving interaction with familiar and unfamiliar people; Separation anxiety; Fear and unwillingness to interact with thecollar; Fear and reluctance to be placed in a vehicle. After nine sessions of training, through behavioral intervention, as a first cycle, the dog showed satisfactory changes in social skills, reducing episodes of generalized and separation anxieties, improving communication with family, reducing aggression, and standardizing routines and social life.


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Biografia do Autor

Diogo Cesar Gomes da Silva, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Professor dos Cursos de Zootecnia e Medicina Veterinária.

Departamento de Psicologia Experimental e Etologia.


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Clinical Reports / Casos Clínicos