


Cucurbita moschata. Apis mellifera. Nectar. Germplasm. Variability.


The aim of this paper was to study nectar in male and female flowers of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) accessions, aiming at evaluating the species potential as a melliferous plant. Two experiments were conducted in an experimental area of the State University of Bahia, at the Department of Technology and Social Sciences, in Juazeiro-BA, in the period from January to December 2017. Nectar volume, soluble solids, and pH were evaluated in the two floral types using 32 accessions and Tetsukabuto hybrid, which was used as check. Using a sample of accessions, the types of sugar present in the nectar were studied. Male flowers did not have significant differences in nectar traits; however, there was significant variation in female flowers in the first experiment and in both floral types in the second experiment. In male flowers in both experiments, the maximum volume of nectar was 310 µL and in female flowers it was 803 µL. The sugar concentration was around 24 °Brix. Sucrose was similar in both floral types and was higher than glucose and fructose contents, showing mean values of 1,306.13, 357.14 and 351.88 g.mL-1, respectively. Obtaining progeny with contrasting characters in the accessions will be important for species improvement. These results indicate that pumpkin might be considered as a melliferous plant with great potential.


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