Accomplishment of the biotechniques MOIFOPA, transgenesis and clonage in caprine reproduction


  • Gabriela Liberalino Lima
  • Érika Aparecida Araújo dos Santos



The animal business corresponds to more than a half of the agricultural production in developed countries and to more than a quart in developing ones. Goats have a huge economic importance because of its contribution on meat, milk and skin production in many countries. This growth requires new technical and scientific acknowledgments, especially those related to improvement of productive and reproductive efficiency of cattles, that lead the development of some biotechniques related to reproduction. These biotechnologies have a directly role on the gain of a larger number of animals with high quality. However some of them still don’t have directly application, they are still restricted at research centers such as transgenesis, clone and MOIFOPA. On the future it could contributes for medicine production, for models to animals and human disease studies, on the study of genetics regulation and expression, being directly or indirectly related to human well being. On this way, the objective of the present work was to perform a brief review of some biotechniques applied to goat reproduction. Keywords: Reproductive efficiency, Biotechnology, Assisted reproduction.


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