Use of vegetable charcoal chaff as an alternative to the composition of broiler litter


  • Daniel Couto de Brito Médico Veterinário, Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal – UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR.
  • Luciana Kazue Otutumi Professora do curso de Medicina Veterinária e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal com Ênfase em Produto Bioativos – UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR.
  • Lucas de Almeida Reati Aluno do curso de Medicina Veterinária– UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR, bolsita PIBIC/UNIPAR;.
  • Jean Marcos de Morais Oliveira Aluno do curso de Medicina Veterinária– UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR, bolsita PIBIC/UNIPAR;.
  • Maira Rodrigues Dourado Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal – UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR
  • Ranulfo Piau Júnior Professor do curso de Medicina Veterinária e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal com Ênfase em Produto Bioativos – UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR.



The use of poultry litter is key to the commercial poultry industry. Among its many functions, it is fundamental to provide comfort to the birds, and wood shavings and rice husk are the most widely used raw materials. However, there has been a search for alternative materials, with the main purpose of reducing costs. Therefore, this paper assesses the use of chaff (charcoal processing waste) (with approximately five mm particle size) as chicken litter, in an experiment with 225 broiler chicks divided into three treatments (T1 = broiler chicks housed in wood shaving litter; T2 = broiler chicks housed in 50% wood shaving litter and 50% charcoal processing waste (chaff); T3 = broiler chicks housed in 100% chaff litter, with five replicates of 15 birds each. Performance (feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion) in periods of one to seven, one to 21, 21 to 41 and one to 41 days of age was assessed. The dry matter, ash, phosphorous and nitrogen levels on the litter were assessed at the end of the trial period (41 days of age). Sample fragments were taken from the trachea, lung and thymus to evaluate possible changes related to the presence of the chaff at the end of the trial period. There were no significant differences in the broiler performance. Also, no histopathological lesions were found on the organs of birds raised in litters. Keywords: Feed Conversion. Alternative Material. Lung. Trachea.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Luciana Kazue Otutumi, Professora do curso de Medicina Veterinária e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal com Ênfase em Produto Bioativos – UNIPAR, Umuarama, PR.

Médica Veterinária Mestre e Doutora em Produção Animal - Nutrição de não-ruminantes Departamento de Medicina Veterinária






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