Sample size to evaluate the degree of multicollinearity in rye morphological traits




Correlation. Multivariate analysis. Sampling design. Secale cereale L.


Investigation of multicollinearity allows parameters in multivariate analysis to be estimated with higher precision and with biological interpretation. In order to generate reliable estimates of the degree of multicollinearity, it is necessary to use appropriate sample size. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine the sample size (number of plants) necessary to estimate the indicators of the degree of multicollinearity - condition number (CN), correlation matrix determinant (DET), and variance inflation factor (VIF) - in morphological traits of rye and to verify the variability of the sample size between the indicators. Five and three uniformity trials were conducted with the cultivars BRS Progresso and Temprano, respectively. Eight morphological traits were evaluated in 780 plants in eight trials. For each trial, 22 cases were selected among the 28 formed by the combination of eight traits, taken six by six, totaling 176 cases. In each case, 197 sample sizes were planned (20, 25, 30, ..., 1,000 plants) and in each size 2,000 resampling procedures with replacement were performed, CN, DET, and VIF were determined and the average among 2,000 estimates was calculated. For each case and indicator (CN, DET, and VIF), the sample size was determined through three models: modified maximum curvature method and linear and quadratic segmented models with plateau response. There is variability between sample sizes between indicators, with larger sample sizes required for DET, followed by CN and VIF, in that order, with at least 180, 116 and 85 plants, respectively.


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