Use of anaerobic filters filled with waste from the ceramics industry in swine wastewater treatment




Efficiency. Chamot. Anaerobic treatment.


Research on the use of anaerobic filters as an alternative material to gravel is fundamental, especially if they are low cost and highly efficient in the treatment of swine wastewater (SWW). This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of anaerobic filters filled with waste from the ceramic industry (WCI) as an alternative material to gravel in swine wastewater treatment. The experimental set-up consisted of three anaerobic polyvinyl chloride filters filled with WCI. A randomized block experimental design was used, with four treatments (evaluations of effects at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days) and three blocks, in a scheme of repeated measures over time. The univariate procedure was employed, and we sought to evaluate only the profile of the change in each response variable, between each evaluation time point. The anaerobic filter filled with WCI is a promising option in the treatment of swine effluents from small farms, presenting over 120 days of operation and average removals of 20%–50% of the color, 40%–70% of total solids, 45%–75% of turbidity, 45%–55% of total nitrogen, and 33%–45% of total phosphorus.


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