


Phaseolus lunatus. Multivariate analysis. Indirect selection.


Lima bean is an important crop in Northeastern Brazil and a source of food and income for farmers in the region. However, there have been few genetic studies on this species, which limits the knowledge available for use in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to estimate the relationship between cycle and production traits using canonical correlation analysis and to identify traits that can be used for the indirect selection of lima bean. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Plant Science of the Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, in a randomized block design with five replications, in which 11 agronomic traits from six lima bean populations in the F3 generation originating from biparental crosses were evaluated in 2019. The data were subjected to canonical correlation analysis using the virtual environment R. The results showed that only the first coefficient of the canonical pair was significant (r = 0.5531) by the qui-square test, suggesting that the studied groups were not independent, as the cycle traits showed coefficients of large magnitudes in the relationship between groups. The canonical correlation results suggested that there is a linear association between cycle and production traits in lima beans, in which days to flowering, days to maturation, pod length, seed width, and seed thickness contribute the most to the association between groups.


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