


Genetic conservation. Genetic parameters. Fava de bolota. Forest restoration. Forest seeds.


Loss of genetic variability in natural populations affects negatively the adaptive and evolutive process of plant species. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the existing genetic variability between and within natural populations of P. platycephala, using biometric characters of fruits and seeds and physiological characters of seeds and seedlings, and, thus, assess the potential for selection of mother trees, indicate areas for seed collection and use, and generate support for conservation and pre-breeding of plant species. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with 45 treatments (progenies) and four replications of 25 seeds. The progenies were evaluated in laboratory, using seeds collected from 45 mother trees sampled in three natural populations. The following characters were evaluated: seed germination percentage, germination speed index, and mean germination time; shoot and main root lengths; and seedling shoot and root dry weights. The data were subjected to RELM/BLUP analysis for estimating genetic parameters and correlations and to analyses of genetic divergence (UPGMA). The populations present genetic differences to each other and a significant variation between progenies for all characters evaluated, and the variation was greater within the populations. The characters evaluated present high genetic control; therefore, they can be used in analysis of genetic variability of populations and progenies of P. platycephala, thus assisting in the identification of areas for seed collection, conservation programs, and pre-breeding of the species.


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Forest Science