Changes On Soil Microbiota Induced By The Use Of Commercial Products And The Incorporation Of Plant Materials


  • Darlan Ferreira Borges Department of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN
  • Geovane de Almeida Nogueira Department of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN
  • Gisellya de Araújo Cruz Department of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN
  • Shamyra Georgia de Azevedo e Silva Department of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN
  • Washington Luís da Silva Department of Plant Pathology and Ecology, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT
  • Márcia Michelle de Queiroz Ambrósio Department of Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN



Soil microorganisms. Mulching. Cover crop. Biological control. Cucumis melo L.


Growers have adopted monoculture to maintain the high melon (Cucumis melo L.) production demand in the Northeastern region of Brazil.  This cultivating practice culminates in up to three crop cycles per year being used in the same growing area.  The main objective of this study was to evaluate if the incorporation of plant material used with polyethylene mulch and or in association with commercial soil amendment products can help to condition an environment that is beneficial to soil microbial communities. Two identical greenhouse experiments were conducted using a completely randomized design with seven treatments and seven replications.  The treatments were: (C) – Control, (M) - polyethylene mulch, (C+M) - incorporation of Crotalaria juncea L. + polyethylene mulch, (P+M) - incorporation of Pennisetum glaucum L. + polyethylene mulch, (M+CS) - polyethylene mulch + (Compost-Aid® + Soil-Set®, trade names of products produced by Alltech Crop Science), (C+M+CS) - incorporation of C. juncea L. + polyethylene mulch + (Compost-Aid® + Soil-Set®), and (P+M+CS) - incorporation of P. glaucum L. + polyethylene mulch + (Compost-Aid® + Soil-Set®). To quantify the target soil microbiota (fungi, bacteria, sporulating bacteria, and actinomycetes), isolations were attempted on selective culture media specific for each group of microorganisms. The incorporation of P. glaucum together with the use of polyethylene mulch and commercial products (Compost-Aid® and Soil-Set®), (P+M+CS), increased the total fungal population by 183%, total bacteria by 55%, sporulating bacteria by 21%, and actinomycetes by 146% in relation to the control treatment.


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