Genotype x environment interaction and stability in landraces of cowpea under dryland conditions




Vigna unguiculata. Local varieties. Semiarid. Phenotypic selection. Sustainability.


Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is an excellent crop for research in semi-arid regions, due to its tolerance to high temperatures and water deficit, with satisfactory yields in rain-fed cultivation. The objective this work was to evaluate the genotype x environment (G x E) interaction, adaptability and stability of cowpea landraces used in the Cariri, Paraíba, in the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil. The experiment was carried out under rain-fed conditions in two locations of this region. For all traits evaluated, the G x E interaction was simple, which means that the evaluated landraces can be recommended for the different environments tested. The results also suggest that phenotypic selection can be efficient to enhance the yield of cowpea landraces and, therefore, can be practiced by the farmers themselves. The most advantageous landraces were ranked with good stability (qi <5%). Although the performance standards between the cowpea landraces were similar in the different environments, the best values were obtained on the farm with the best environmental conservation history and with higher precipitation. Therefore, the integration between the yield of cowpea landraces, environmental conservation in agricultural landscapes, and strategic planning that considers possible variations in local precipitation is essential in models of sustainable agricultural development in semi-arid zones of Northeast Brazil.


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