


Phaseolus lunatus. Genetic parameters. Mixed models.


Based on its nutritional and economic value, the lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) is the second most important species of the genus. It has high genetic diversity and potential for production and is considered an alternative food and income source. The objective of this study was to apply the restricted maximum likelihood/ best linear unbiased prediction (REML/ BLUP) methodology to estimate genetic parameters and predict genotypic values in F3 populations of lima beans. Twelve characteristics were evaluated in five populations with indeterminate growth habits (H39, H72, H53, H90, and H56). Model 83 from the Selegen program was used for analysis. Considering the genetic parameters, the highest values of genetic variance were for plant height and number of pods per plant. Pod thickness and seed width are favorable for breeding programs. Seed width selection gain was significant for populations H56 and H90 at 11.26 mm and 10.50 mm, respectively. As for the length and thickness of seeds, the gains were less significant, with population H53 showing the greatest gain. The REML/ BLUP methodology proved efficient in estimating genetic parameters and predicting gains in lima bean populations. The estimated selection gains indicated that the highest gains were obtained for plant height, the number of pods per plant, pod thickness, seed width, and the number of days to maturity. Populations H53 and H56 stood out for having large and white seeds, thus being potential populations for species improvement.


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