Genetic variability of wild yellow plum (Ximenia americana L.) based on rapd markers




Molecular characterization. Diversity. Genetic resources.


Several ethnobotanical studies highlighted the importance of yellow plum as a useful plant species in the Brazilian Northeast region. In order to domesticate and incorporate a native species in production systems it is necessary to obtain information on its development and genetic variation. This work aimed to analyze the genetic variability of individuals of X. americana, accessed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers. 26 genotypes of X. americana, randomly collected at the private reserve Campo das Emas Farm located in the Caturité City, Paraíba State, Brazil, were used in the study. Through the RAPD technique it was possible to assess the genetic variations among native genotypes within a wild plum population. Based on Sokal and Rohlf dissimilarity coefficient it was possible to form four distinct groups using the UPGMA method. The Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient was 0.83, revealing variability in the consistency of the cluster pattern. The genotypes of X. americana have genetic diversity detected by RAPD markers, which have shown to be efficient in characterizing individuals. Genotypes 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, and 25 are the most divergent and should be used in conservation strategies and breeding programs.


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