Gladiolus harvest simulation using the phenoglad model for different marketing periods




Floriculture. Gladiolus x grandiflorus Hort. Commercial quality. Cut Flowers.


Gladiolus is a species that presents cultivars with flowers of different colors, and these floral stems can be produced using simple and low-cost management practices. Its growth is not widespread in the São Francisco Valley, in Brazil, thus requiring research to guide growers regarding its production and commercialization. The PhenoGlad program was developed to simulate gladiolus production based on temperature data from the previous year. Therefore, the objective of this work was to produce gladioli at different times, assess stem quality, and validate the PhenoGlad model for the region. The experiment was conducted between 2020 and 2021 at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, using a complete randomized block design, in a 4×3 factorial arrangement. The treatments consisted of four cultivars (Red Beauty, Jester, T704, and White Friendship) and three harvest peaks (H1: Feast of the Petrolina Patron Saint's Day, August 15, 2020; H2: All Souls' Day, November 2, 2020; and H3: International Women's Day, March 8, 2021). The parameters evaluated were total stem length, rachis length, stem diameter, and postharvest longevity at the R2-R5 stage. The interaction between cultivars and harvest peaks was significant for total stem length and stem diameter. All cultivars grown for H1 performed well and showed a low simulated error compared to field observations, validating the PhenoGlad model. Growing gladiolus in the region is feasible, as the stems meet quality standards and have a suitable shelf life for commercialization.


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