Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll indices and yield of castor bean in contrasting water environments





Ricinus communis L.. Photosynthesis. Transpiration. Stomatal conductance.


Castor bean is a crop known to be drought tolerant, but like other crops, it shows reductions in yield under conditions of low water availability. Therefore, the objective whit this study was to evaluate leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll indices and yield of castor bean cultivars subjected to two contrasting water environments in the semi-arid region of Bahia, Brazil. Twelve castor bean cultivars were planted in a split-plot randomized block design, with the plot allocated to the contrasting water environments. Environment 1 was composed of irrigation close to field capacity, and environment 2 had about 30% of field capacity. Yield, leaf gas exchange, and chlorophyll content were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed using Bayesian analysis with a variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) to obtain Markov chains via Monte Carlo (MCMC). The MCMC were convergent and well mixed. In environment 2, the cultivars EBDA MPA 34, EBDA 17, and IAC 2028 showed yield above 1,700 kg ha-1. Cultivar IAC 226 showed an increase of 9.98% in its yield in environment 2. Therefore, cultivars EBDA MPA 34, IAC 2028, IAC 226, and EBDA 17 are recommended to castor bean breeding programs as promising parents for studies under conditions of low water availability. Cultivars EBDA MPA 11 and BRS Paraguaçu showed high yield in both environments and are recommended for cultivation because they are responsive to the increase in water availability.


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