Intercropping systems of corn and forage grasses with application of low mesotrione herbicide rates




Congo grass. BRS Tamani. BRS Zuri. Green cover. Weed management.


Sowing forage grass species of the genera Urochloa and Panicum simultaneously with corn can hinder crop grain yield, requiring the application of low herbicide rates for suppressing their growth and preventing potential competition with corn plants. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of low rates of the herbicide mesotrione for inhibiting the growth of forage grass species (Urochloa ruziziensis and Panicum maximum, cultivars BRS Tamani and BRS Zuri) sown simultaneously with corn crop, as well as the recovery capacity of these grasses. Two experiments were installed, as first and second crop seasons, in a randomized experimental block design with four replications, using a 3×4 factorial arrangement and three control treatments with corn alone. Each of the three forage grasses was sown simultaneously with corn and subjected to post-emergence application of four mesotrione rates (0, 48, 96, and 144 g ha-1) with atrazine (1.25 kg ha-1). Weeds, forage grasses, and corn plants were evaluated. BRS Tamani was the most tolerant forage to mesotrione, while BRS Zuri was the most sensitive. The application of mesotrione + atrazine in the corn-forage grass intercropping system contributed to weed control. The tested forage grasses did not affect corn grain yield in the first or second crop season, even with no herbicide application.


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