
  • João Paulo de Farias Ramos EMEPA-PB, Rua Eurípedes Tavares, 210, Tambiá C. Postal 275, CEP 58041-070, João Pessoa-PB/ Brasil
  • Edson Mauro Santos UFPB-Centro de Ciências Agrarias, Campus II Areia PB/ Brasil
  • George Rodrigo Beltrão Cruz UFPB- Centro de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e Agrárias, Campus III Bananeiras PB/Brasil
  • Ricardo Martins Araujo Pinho UFPB-Centro de Ciências Agrarias, Campus II Areia PB/ Brasil
  • Poliane Meire Dias de Freitas UFPB-Centro de Ciências Agrarias, Campus II Areia PB/ Brasil


Opuntiaficus-indica. Organic fertilization. Rainfall Use Efficiency. Semi-arid.


The aim of this paper was to evaluate the cutting frequency and levels of the manure on cactus forage productivity. The research was conducted at Pendencia Station – The State Agribusiness Reaserch Company of Paraíba, Soledade – PB –Brazil, from August 2008 to August 2010. It was utilized a factorial arrengement 4x5, 4 crop managements (M1= cactus forage harvested at 12 months after establishment; M2= cactus forage harvested at 12 months after the first regrowth; M3= harvested of the accumulated production in 24 months and M4= sum of the first production and regrowth) and five levels of goat manure: 0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 Mg ha-1. It was evaluated the fresh matter production (FMP) and dry matter production (DMP), water accumulation, rainfall use efficiency (RUE) and percentage of the water accumulation in the plant. The largest level of organic fertilizer promoted an increase in FMP of 275, 171, 184, 203% and DMP: 305, 175, 223, 218%, respectively, when comparing the highest level of fertilizer with the unfertilized treatment, and an increase in water accumulation 115.60, 102.93, 166.95, 218.53 kg of water ha-1 when comparing the highest level with the unfertilized treatment. The organic fertilization in M1, M2, M3 and M4 managements, despite of the levels, promoted a linear increase in the RUE. Fertilization increases the cactus forage productivity, and its rainfall use efficiency. The annual cut can be employed as a practice in the management of cactus forage.


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