


Apis mellifera. Pollination. Apple trees. Health of hives.


The apple tree depends on cross-pollination for adequate fruiting. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate of parasitism by Varroa destructor mites and the infection rate of Nosema sp. in hives of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus) used in pollinating services in apple orchards in the municipality of Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The study evaluated the sanitation of beehives before, during, and after apple orchard pollination. Natural parasitism by V. destructor and the presence of Nosema sp. spores were evaluated in hives from areas of forest and canola cultivation (in the 2014/2015 harvest), and from areas of forest and eucalyptus reforestation (2015/2016 harvest). In both harvests, the average rate of parasitism in the hives by V. destructor ranged from 3.0 to 6.7%. The levels of parasitism increased during the pollination period in hives from canola-cultivated areas (2014/2015 harvest), but not in those from the forest and eucalyptus reforestation areas. Spores of Nosema sp. were observed in hives in the 2014/2015 harvest but not in the 2015/2016 harvest. The levels of natural parasitism by V. destructor in A. mellifera hives used in pollination services remained low, and was within the levels reported for the southern region of Brazil. Additionally, the levels of Nosema sp. infection in the hives was low.


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Author Biography

Mari Inês Carissimi Boff, Departament of Agronomy, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC



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