
  • Edilene Daniel de Araújo Department of Agrarian Sciences, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campina Grande, PB
  • Alberto Soares de Melo Department of Agrarian Sciences, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campina Grande, PB
  • Maria do Socorro Rocha Department of Agrarian Sciences, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campina Grande, PB
  • Rebeca Ferreira Carneiro Department of Agrarian Sciences, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campina Grande, PB
  • Maurisrael de Moura Rocha Embrapa, Teresina, PI



Vigna unguiculata. Water stress. Plant morphophysiology.


Cowpea is one of the major food crops in Northeast Brazil, where it is commonly cultivated in the semi-arid regions with limited water availability. It is important to study the elicitors associated with cowpea to mitigate any deleterious effects of abiotic stress on the initial establishment of this crop. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the morphophysiological changes in cowpea cultivars under osmotic stress with seeds soaked in salicylic acid. The germination test was conducted in B.O.D germination chambers. The seeds of three cowpea cultivars: BRS Tumucumaque, BRS Aracê, and BRS Guariba, were germinated at five osmotic potentials (0.0; -0.2; -0.4; -0.6, and -0.8 MPa) after three pre-treatments: pre-soaking in deionized water, pre-soaking in salicylic acid, and without pre-soaking. The following parameters were evaluated: germination, germination speed index, seedling height, total phytomass, contents of chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’, carotenoid content, electrolyte leakage, water content, and proline content. Our results indicate that salicylic acid promotes reduction in the harmful effects of abiotic stress, which is reflected in the increase in germination percentage, seedling height, and chlorophyll and carotenoid content as well as in the adjustment of electrolyte leakage and increase in proline content under induced water stress conditions. The cultivar BRS Guariba proved to be more tolerant to water deficit during germination and initial growth stages, when the seeds were treated with salicylic acid (1 mM).


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