


Mangifera indica L.. Hybridizations. Plant breeding.


The aim of this study was to evaluate mango hybrids obtained by open pollination based on the physical and chemical traits of the fruit, and to analyze the genetic diversity among these hybrids to find plants that produce quality fruit both for direct consumption and for industrial processing. The hybrids under study were generated from seeds produced from crosses with unknown genotypes as a result of open pollination. The unknown genotypes were randomly scattered in areas dedicated to growing a Tommy Atkins variety, and plants were obtained from mango seeds generated through sexual propagation. To assess genetic diversity, cluster analysis was carried out, as well as principal component analysis. Two hybrids were most prominent in terms of fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, pulp weight, and pulp yield, with mean values greater than 245 g for pulp weight and 70% for pulp yield. Regarding fiber content in the pulp, six hybrids had a score of "2", that is, moderately fibrous fruit. For acidity and soluble solids content, the hybrids exhibited variations from 0.19 to 1.06% of citric acid and from 13.1 to 20.6 ºBrix, respectively. For peel color, tones ranging from reddish orange to yellow and green were observed. As for pulp color, there was variation from orange to light yellow tones. There was variability among the mango hybrids regarding the fruit traits analyzed, and hybrids that produce fruit that combine traits of economic interest were identified.



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