
  • Thiago Leite de Alencar Department of Soil Sciences, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE
  • Luis Felipe Rodrigues de Aquino Sousa Department of Soil Sciences, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE
  • Arilene Franklin Chaves Department of Soil Sciences, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE
  • Jaedson Cláudio Anunciato Mota Department of Soil Sciences, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE



S index. Soil structure. Organic matter.


The present study aimed at assessing the influence of physical properties associated with soil structure on the Srelative index. Two soil conditions under Ficus carica L. cultivation were studied (with or without liquid bovine biofertilizer in the irrigation water), in the 0-0.1 m and 0-0.3 m layers. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from the above-mentioned layers and physical analyzes, pertinent to the study objective, were performed. The response function model was applied to verify how the soil independent physical variables influence on the Srelative index in the 0-0.1 m and 0-0.3 m layers, with 0 and 60% biofertilizer, being combined two to two. Once the response functions were known, the slopes of both functions were compared, being represented by the coefficients β11-β12 and β21-β22. This comparison enabled verifying whether there was an effect of the treatments on the response variable. In addition, the standard error of the difference between coefficients was calculated, and the Student's t-test applied. The method of multiple regression was also used to confirm the effect of the variables on the Srelative index for the 0-0.3 m layer in both treatments. Then, the variables with greater weight were selected by a backward elimination method to estimate the Srelative. The results showed that the Srelative index is strongly influenced by properties of the porous fraction, with total porosity and continuity of pores being of significant influence. Management with liquid bovine biofertilizer results in improvement in the soil structure, with effects measured by the Srelative index.


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Agricultural Engineering