


Biocontrol. Gossypium hirsutum. Bacillus sp. Disease control.


Ramulosis (Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides) is an important fungal disease of cotton in Brazil, exclusively controlled by fungicide application. Therefore, sustainable management of ramulosis is essential. This work aimed to evaluate the potential of three bacterial strains, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (UFLA285), Bacillus velezensis (UFLA401), and Paenibacillus lentimorbus (MEN2), for the biocontrol of ramulosis in cotton and their effects on yield and fiber quality. Seed treatment (ST), foliar spray, and soil drenching application methods were used (separately or combined) under greenhouse and field conditions. Chemical treatments recommended against ramulosis and water were used as controls. Under greenhouse conditions all strains reduced the disease incidence. While B. velezensis UFLA401 and P. lentimorbus MEN2 reduced the incidence by 56.6% and 45.7%, respectively, independent of the application method, B. amyloliquefaciens UFLA285 reduced the disease by about 60% when applied as a foliar spray or ST + foliar spray. Two field trials were performed and all bacterial strains reduced ramulosis incidence. In the first year, B. velezensis UFLA401 sprayed on the plants reduced incidence by 22.3% and ST + two foliar sprays resulted in the best performance, decreasing ramulosis by 57%. In both seasons the yield increased by using either bacterial or chemical treatments compared to the water control. The combination B. velezensis UFLA401 and P. lentimorbus MEN2 sprays provided better fiber quality than chemical treatment. Therefore, Bacillus sp. (UFLA285 and UFLA401) and P. lentimorbus MEN2 are potential tools to reduce ramulosis, increase cotton yield and fiber quality.



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