



Soil hydraulic properties. Solute transport. Semi-arid.


The determination of the hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties of soil is necessary for the understanding of water dynamics and soil solute transport, and they are used as input data in several models. Determinations of soil hydraulic and hydrodispersive parameters are usually obtained by separate methodologies. Axisymmetric infiltration tests using a single ring infiltrometer with a conservative tracer (KBr) in the field (Beerkan-Solute) lead to the determination of the most realistic hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties of the study area. The objective of this work was the hydrodynamic and hydrodispersive characterization of an irrigated soil, classified as Fluvic Cambisol, from the lowland areas of the northeastern semi-arid region, located in the backwoods of the state of Pernambuco, in the municipality of Serra Talhada-PE. The hydrodispersive parameters were determined with the CXTFIT 2.0 program, using the CDE and MIM models. The studied soil presented hydrodynamic characteristics with high values of sorptivity (S) that were associated with high values of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), indicating that the soil has good permeability and resistance to surface crumbling caused by rain drops or soil management. It was observed the predominance of the convective process, being the CDE model the one that presented the best performance in the transport of the KBr tracer under field conditions, indicating the absence of two water regions mobile and immobile in the studied soil.


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Agricultural Engineering