


Application technology. Percentage of coverage. Chemical control. Glycine max. Soybean caterpillars.


During the chemical control of pests, diseases and weeds, great importance is given to the phytosanitary product and little attention to the application technology. The control of soybean pests did not escape the general rule and, therefore, some pests known as secondary, and even nonexistent, became responsible for great damage to the soybean crop. The objective of this work was to test the application of insecticide at different speeds (5 and 16 km h-1) by varying the rates of application in 108 to 110 and 199 to 216 L ha-1 to quantify the difference in the coverage percentage of the applied insecticide in the canopy of soybean plants, and to verify the interaction of these factors with efficacy parameters for the control of caterpillars (Helicoverpa armigera and Chrysodeixis includens). In general, the highest leaf coverage by the insecticide was observed in the upper part of the canopy, regardless of the rate and speed of application, resulting in lower leaf damage. For the middle and lower thirds of the plant, the decrease in speed influenced more the decrease in leaf damage by the caterpillars than the increase in the spray volume.



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