


Vigna unguiculata. Genotype × environment interaction. Grain yield. Cultivation value and use.


Genotypes can respond differently to environments; thus, studies on adaptability and production stability are important to assist breeders in the identification and recommendation of cultivars. The objective of this work was to determine the adaptability and production stability of cowpea genotypes focused on subsidize recommendations of cultivars for green grain production in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Five assays were conducted in different locations in two climatic regions of the state of Ceará: a tropical mild hot semiarid region encompassing the municipalities of Acaraú, Pentecoste, and Crato, and a tropical hot semiarid region encompassing the municipalities of Mauriti and Madalena. Twenty cowpea genotypes—12 elite lines and 8 cultivars—were evaluated for cultivation value and use, using a randomized block design, with four replications. The results were subjected to analyses of variance and adaptability and green grain yield stability analyses by GGE biplot multivariate analysis. The effects of genotypes, environments, and G×E were significant, denoting different responses of genotypes in different locations. The results of the adaptability and stability analyses by the GGE biplot method showed that the two principal components explained 72.17% of the total variation, allowing reliable bidimensional projections. The municipality of Crato was the ideal location for tests and the lines MNC05-847B-123 and MNC00-595F-27 showed good production, adaptation, and stability, and can be recommended for green grain production in the state of Ceará, Brazil.



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