


Zea mays. Silicate. Silicate fertilization.


The application of silicon is becoming popular in agriculture as an alternative for integrated crop management, owing to the diverse benefits resulting from the accumulation of silicon in grasses and the resultant resistance conferred in plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the application of silicon, via seed coating and leaf application, influences the production and yield components of maize in the second crop. The experimental design was divided into split plots, in which the plots were composed of phyllosilicate doses (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g kg-1 of seeds) in the seed coatings and the subplots were composed of foliar applications of potassium silicate (1.0 L ha-1 in pre-dip and 15 days after). We evaluated the plant height, spike insertion height, spike and corncob diameter, number of rows per spike, number of grains per row, the mass of 100 grains, and productivity. The foliar application of potassium silicate had no effect on the yield and yield components of the corn crop. The use of phyllosilicate via seed coating increased the production components and yield of the second corn crop.


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