



Coffea arabica. Flowering. Watering. Gas exchange.


Nonuniform flowering leads to uneven ripening of fruits, which impairs harvesting efficiency and the quality of the coffee. The aim of this study was to determine the water deficit level required to break flower bud dormancy of Coffea arabica and to evaluate its effects on gas exchange, photosynthetic pigment levels, coffee yield, and fruit maturation. After a growth period of 18 months in 200 L pots maintained under greenhouse conditions, water deficit treatments were imposed by withholding watering from plants exhibiting at least a 60% rate of “E4 stage” flower buds. When five groups of six coffee plants reached the pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψwpd) of -0.04, -0.65, -1.43, -1.96, and -2.82 MPa, the leaf gas exchange was measured and leaf disks were collected to quantify the photosynthetic pigment levels, after which, watering was resumed. The rate of opened flowers increased with the reduction of Ypd based on the mathematical model, Y = 67.064 + 20.660 x ln(-Ψwpd). The leaf gas exchange was strongly affected by water deficit levels, without any alterations in the photosynthetic pigment levels. Coffee yield was not affected by the treatments but the ripe stages of cherries increased slightly with the reduction in Ψwpd. The water deficit level applied at the pre-flowering stage determined the percentage of flowering in C. arabica.


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Agricultural Engineering