


Aromatic plant. Shading. Colored screens.


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of pot volume and growth environment on the productions of biomass and essential oil of basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L.). A completely randomized experimental design was used, with five replications, in a 6×2 factorial arrangement consisting of 6 growth environments (full sun; 50% black shade screen; 50% silver shade screen; 50% red shade screen; 35% green shade screen; 150 µm low density polyethylene film - LDPE) and two pot volumes (3.5 L and 5.0 L). The plants were cut and evaluated for variables related to growth, root system, and extraction of essential oil. The growth environments and pot volumes affected the production of biomass and essential oil of the basil plants evaluated. Plants grown under red and silver shade screens had 36.03% and 31.31% higher plant height than those grown at full sun, respectively. Basil plants grown in 5.0-liter pots under black shade screen produced higher essential oil contents. The biomass production of basil plants grown in 5.0-liter pots was affected by the red and green shade screens and LDPE film. The growth of basil plants in 5.0-liter pots under 50% black shade screen is recommended when the crop is intended for essential oil extraction; and their growth in 5.0-liter pots under red shade screen, green shade screen, or LDPE film is recommended when the crop is intended for fresh biomass production.


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