


Musa spp. AAB. Diagnosis methods. Balance level. Equilibrium level.


To obtain high yields, the nutrients in the plant must be in adequate quantities and proportions. Therefore, for better evaluation it is necessary to use methods that contemplate both balance and nutritional balance. The objective of this study was to adjust the model and quantify the nutritional and non-nutritional limitation based on the degree of balance and balance in 'Prata-Anã' banana trees, cultivated in the states of Ceará and Bahia. The studies were developed from the database of leaf nutrient content and productivity belonging to two farms of the company Sítio Barreiras, located in Missão Velha, CE and Ponto Novo, BA. Fields with above average yield plus 0.5 standard deviation, defined as high productivity, were considered as reference population and used to generate standards, while fields with below this threshold considered low productivity population, were used for nutritional diagnosis. The database was subdivided into four. The first and second, respectively, with 253 samples and reference population with productivity above 39.81 t ha-1 year-1, and with 553 samples for PBP, belonging to the Missão Velha farm. The third and fourth, respectively, with 147 samples and reference population above 41.69 t ha-1 year-1, and 334 samples for the PBP, belonging to the Ponto Novo farm. Non-nutritional factors limited the production of 'Prata-Anã' banana plants to 28.23% in Ceará and 50.49% in Bahia.


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