


Musa spp. Distribution maps. Soil fertility.


Irrigated fruit growing in the São Francisco Valley has been standing out in the Northeast region of Brazil and the incorrect management of fertilization has caused problems of physical and / or chemical degradation of the soil. The work aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of the chemical attributes of a Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Oxisol) grown with banana (Musa spp). The study was carried out in the irrigated perimeter of Nupeba in Riachão das Neves / BA. In an area cultivated for 18 years with silver banana fertigated by micro sprinkling. In April 2017 simple soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m, from an experimental grid consisting of 40 georeferenced points and spaced every 10 meters. The soil samples determined: pH (H2O); Organic carbon; Phosphorus (P); Potassium (K+); Calcium (Ca2+); Magnesium (Mg2+) and Potential acidity (H + Al) and the sum of bases (BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (V%) were calculated. The results of the analyses were evaluated using descriptive statistics and the geostatistics technique. The descriptive analysis identified the normality of the data. The spatial variability was confirmed, allowing the making of maps. The analyzed area has low fertility (V <55%) and the inadequate management of soil correction and fertilization can reduce the availability of nutrients for the implanted crop, making the soil susceptible to degradation with the use of irrigation. The distribution maps allow the visualization of the area, allowing the application of inputs with varying rates, aiming at homogenizing the soil fertility.



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Agricultural Engineering