


Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant mineral nutrition. Conservation agriculture.


Determining nitrogen (N) accumulation and export by common bean as a function of straw and of the splitting of this nutrient is very important, aiming at the management and sustainability of agricultural systems. This study aimed to determine the N accumulation and export by common bean as a function of Zea mays and Urochloa ruziziensis grass straw (maize, maize/U. ruziziensis intercropping and U. ruziziensis) and splitting of top-dressing N fertilization. The experiment was conducted in Jaboticabal-SP-Brazil, during the 2012/13 crop season, in a Red Eutrophic Oxisol (Eutrudox) in no-tillage under irrigation. The experimental design was a randomized block with split plots with four replicates, totaling 120 subplots sized in 25m2 each. The plots consisted of the cropping systems prior to common bean: maize, maize/U. ruziziensis intercropping and U. ruziziensis. The subplots were composed of ten top-dressing N fertilization splitting schemes (NS) at the phenological stages V3, V4 and R5 in different combinations. Common bean grain yield differs among cropping systems and as a function of top-dressed N split application. U. ruziziensis grass as single crop promotes greater N accumulation in common bean shoots compared to maize and its intercropping with U. ruziziensis grass. Regardless the cropping system, top-dressing N application in a single dose (90 kg ha-1) at V4 leads to similar accumulations and exports to those found in the absence of N fertilization. Splitting schemes with N application at the R5 stage increase the exports of this nutrient by common bean in succession to maize and its intercropping with U. ruziziensis grass.



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Author Biography

Fábio Luíz Checchio Mingotte, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, SP

MSc. Engenheiro Agrônomo, Doutorando em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - UNESP/FCAV, Jaboticabal-SP. Bolsista FAPESP.


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