


Irrigation management. Ground cover. Raphanus sativus L.


In regions with limited water resources, efficient use of water has become increasingly essential for agricultural production. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of the carnauba palm bagana (leaf fibers) as an option of ground cover to reduce the use of water in irrigated radish. The study was conducted from July to October 2018 in two crop cycles in Pentecoste-CE, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in randomized blocks with split plots and four replicates, whose primary treatments consisted of five irrigation depths (50%; 75%; 100%; 125% and 150% of the evapotranspiration crop) and secondary treatments consisted of five different levels of ground cover using carnauba bagana (0%; 25%; 50%; 75% and 100% of 16 t ha-1), in a 5 x 5 interaction, totaling 100 experimental plots. The following variables were evaluated: fresh mass of shoots and tuber, plant height, number of leaves, tuber diameter and gas exchange. For tuber fresh mass in the first crop cycle, a first order model was obtained with the response surface, with linear increase of the factors irrigation depths (0.064 g plant-1) and ground cover (0.065 g plant-1), with the highest value (40.44 g plant-1) observed for the level of 150% ETcloc and 100% bagana. Application of 16 t ha-1 of carnauba bagana can be considered recommended, within the limits studied, for use in the radish crop.



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Agricultural Engineering