


Germplasm collection. Genetic diversity. Ornamental plants.


The aim of this study was to characterize and estimate genetic divergence among twelve specimens of the Sansevieria genus from the collection of the Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI). A completely randomized experimental design was used with three replicates, and the plot consisted of four plants. In morphological characterization, qualitative and quantitative descriptors of leaves were evaluated. Genetic divergence among the specimens was determined by the Tocher clustering method and the hierarchical UPGMA. There is genetic variation among specimens evaluated, which was also expressed by the variability of colors, shapes, and sizes of the leaves. The Tocher clustering method and the hierarchical UPGMA were effective in differentiation of the specimens from multi-categorical qualitative descriptors, as the Tocher method grouped the accessions in two groups and the UPGMA in seven different groups. We highlight the accessions SSV 09 and SSV 10 as exhibiting the highest mean values in weekly leaf growth and in leaf height, important characteristics for local sale and for export.




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