


Mangifera indica L. Cultivars. Principal component analysis. Bioactive compounds.


This study aimed to assess the physical, chemical, and sensory attributes of mango varieties grown under the organic farming. Fruits from ten varieties of mango grown under the organic system in the Chapada Diamantina region, BA, Brazil, were assessed. The following physical and chemical characteristics were assessed: fruit mass, pulp yield, pulp color (L*, C*, and h*), soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), total carotenoids, and ascorbic acid. The sensory acceptance test was performed with 50 consumers using the nine-point structured hedonic scale and the attributes acidity, sweetness, and firmness of the pulp were assessed using the just-about-right scale. Differences among the varieties of mango grown under the organic production system were observed for physical, chemical and sensory attributes. The varieties showed a percentage of pulp equal or above 60%, which makes them more suitable for processing. According to the PCA analysis, the characteristics soluble solids, total carotenoids, fruit mass, titratable acidity, h* and L* were considered the most important to differentiate the mango varieties evaluated. Ubá and Beta varieties had the highest levels of SS, while Favo de Mel was characterized by the highest values of TA and L*. The varieties Favo de Mel, Palmer, Surpresa, Juazeiro 2, Imperial and Joa had fruits with higher mass and h* values and the varieties Amrapali and Roxa Embrapa 141 had the highest levels of total carotenoids. Imperial, Palmer, Beta and Joa varieties were the most accepted for all sensory attributes

This study aimed to assess the physical, chemical, and sensory attributes of mango varieties grown under the organic farming. Fruits from ten varieties of mango grown under the organic system in the Chapada Diamantina region, BA, Brazil, were assessed. The following physical and chemical characteristics were assessed: fruit mass, pulp yield, pulp color (L*, C*, and h*), soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), total carotenoids, and ascorbic acid. The sensory acceptance test was performed with 50 consumers using the nine-point structured hedonic scale and the attributes acidity, sweetness, and firmness of the pulp were assessed using the just-about-right scale. Differences among the varieties of mango grown under the organic production system were observed for physical, chemical and sensory attributes. The varieties showed a percentage of pulp equal or above 60%, which makes them more suitable for processing. According to the PCA analysis, the characteristics soluble solids, total carotenoids, fruit mass, titratable acidity, h* and L* were considered the most important to differentiate the mango varieties evaluated. Ubá and Beta varieties had the highest levels of SS, while Favo de Mel was characterized by the highest values of TA and L*. The varieties Favo de Mel, Palmer, Surpresa, Juazeiro 2, Imperial and Joa had fruits with higher mass and h* values and the varieties Amrapali and Roxa Embrapa 141 had the highest levels of total carotenoids. Imperial, Palmer, Beta and Joa varieties were the most accepted for all sensory attributes.



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Food Engineering