


Pepper plants. Genetic resources. Ward-MLM. Plant breeding.


Peppers and bell peppers (Capsicum spp.) are vegetables that have wide genetic variability, as well as a wide range of applications. Studies on genetic diversity help to understand the existing variability and the conservation of genetic resources, allowing breeders to select superior genotypes that meet the needs of breeding programmes. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity among 15 Capsicum genotypes based on morpho-agronomic descriptors and through the Ward-MLM (Modified Location Model) procedure, as well as to indicate the most promising genotypes for breeding programmes. The research was conducted in an experimental area using a randomized block design, with three replications, using nine qualitative descriptors and ten quantitative descriptors. Analysis of variance was performed, and means were subsequently grouped by Scott-Knott’s method. There was a significant difference between genotypes for all traits evaluated, making it possible to select promising genotypes. According to the Scott-Knott grouping test, the number of seeds per fruit had the largest number of groups, with eight distinct groups, while plant height had only two groups. The genotypes GEN18 and GEN21 had the highest average values for fruit wall thickness and thus are indicated for the preparation of sauces. The genotypes GEN14 and GEN16 were the most promising for use for ornamental purposes. The Ward-MLM method made it possible to differentiate C. annuum L., C. baccatum L., C. chinense Jacq., and C. frutescens L. into different groups, and is thus a useful tool to detect genetic divergence.



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