


Lower São Francisco River. Environmental degradation. Soil stability.


The intense anthropization in the lower São Francisco River and surrounding areas can lead to environmental degradation risks and, above all, makes the area more susceptible to soil erosion. This study aimed to identify and correlate the physical and chemical properties able to enhance erosive processes and slope instability in the watercourse margins of the lower São Francisco River, in Sergipe State, Brazil. To this end, disturbed and undisturbed samples of an Entisol-Fluvent soil were collected in the region, specifically in the city of Amparo de São Francisco. Physical (density, porosity, and texture) and chemical (pH, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, micro-, and macronutrients) analyses were performed. All physical properties and organic carbon contents were higher in the surface layers (Ap and AC) compared to the others. Organic carbon, phosphorus, and micronutrients had a negative correlation with soil density, showing higher contents and lower soil densities in the Ap and AC layers. The pedological characteristics of the evaluated soil layers are unable to provide soil resistance to water erosion.



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Agricultural Engineering