
  • Genilson Lima Diniz Academic Unit of Agricultural Sciences, Center of Agrifood Science and Technology, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal, PB
  • Reginaldo Gomes Nobre Department of Science and Technology, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Caraúbas, RN
  • Geovani Soares de Lima Academic Unit of Agricultural Engineering, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande, PB
  • Lauriane Almeida dos Anjos Soares Academic Unit of Agricultural Sciences, Center of Agrifood Science and Technology, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal, PB
  • Hans Raj Gheyi Academic Unit of Agricultural Engineering, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande, PB



Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa. Salinity. Silicon.


The Brazilian Northeast region suffers from some abiotic stresses that are responsible for the loss of agricultural production, such as long drought periods and high evapotranspiration, associated with the quality of the water, which induces the use of saline water as an alternative for the expansion of irrigated areas, and silicate fertilization contributes to reduce the effects of salinity under the Northeastern semi-arid conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the osmotic potential and physiological indices of yellow passion fruit seedlings under irrigation water salinity and silicate fertilization. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal-PB, Brazil, in a randomized block design in a 5 x 5 factorial scheme, relative to five levels of electrical conductivity of irrigation water - ECw (0.3; 1.0; 1.7; 2.4 and 3.1 dS m-1) and five doses of silicate fertilization (0; 25; 50; 75 and 100 g silicon per plant) in four replicates and two plants per plot. The application of 50, 75 and 100 g silicon per plant reduced the osmotic potential in the leaf tissues of ‘Gigante Amarelo’ passion fruit plants. Water salinity lower than 1.3 dS m-1 resulted in an increase in chlorophyll b content; increase in carotenoid content was observed in plants subjected to silicon doses of 25 and 100 g per plant. Salinity levels above          1.1 dS m-1 compromised the performance of photosystem II of passion fruit plants when subjected to silicon doses.



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Agricultural Engineering