



Gladiolus x grandiflorus Hort. Soil conservation. Subtropical climate.


The objective of this work was to characterize the commercial quantitative standards of floral stems of gladiolus plants grown under minimum tillage and conventional systems in two harvest seasons in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Experiments were conducted in locations with subtropical climate using soils classified as Typic Dystrudept (Cambissolo) and Typic Hapludox (Nitossolo). Gladiolus plants were grown in beds with intensive soil turning, and under minimum tillage system, in which soil turning was done only in the planting rows. Plants of the cultivars Red Beauty and White Goddess were evaluated in two harvest seasons, Mothers' Day, and Valentine's Day. A completely randomized experimental design with 12 replications was used; the treatments consisted of two harvest seasons and two soil management systems. The flower stem and inflorescence lengths, stem thickness, and number of florets were measured when the plants were at the harvest point to characterize their commercial quantitative standards. These data were used to distribute the stems into four classes (75, 90, 110 and non-marketable). The stem standard of gladiolus plants grown under minimum tillage system and the edaphoclimatic conditions of the state of Santa Catarina in the Mother's Day harvest met the flower market requirements, with most stems classified into the classes 90 and 110. Therefore, gladiolus plants can be grown under minimum tillage system without affecting the flower stem development. This work is the first step to promote the growth of flowers under a conservationist perspective, focused on a more sustainable agriculture.



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