


Phaseolus vulgaris L. Seedling growth. Germination.


The efficiency of seed reserve mobilization (SRM) can be affected by genotype characteristics and seed initial physiological quality, which are determinant for the choice of cultivars that present plants with high physiological performances. The objective of this study was to evaluate the SRM in different common bean cultivars with different vigor and determine the differences in this process between seed lots and cultivars. Six common bean cultivars were grown in the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 crop seasons in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The physiological quality of the cultivars was defined by germination test, accelerated aging test, seedling length, and vigor index, establishing two vigor groups (high vigor and low vigor). SRM was evaluated based on seed and seedling dry weights, use of seed reserves, use rate of seed reserves, SRM rate to the seedling, and use efficiency of seed reserves. The high-vigor cultivars presented higher use rates of seed reserves, SRM rate to the seedling, and use efficiency of seed reserves, favoring the development of vigorous seedlings. The evaluation of SRM is an alternative to improve control of internal seed quality and selection of high-vigor common bean cultivars.



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