


Glycine max. Adaptability. Genotype-environment interaction.


No isolated factor influences soybean development and production more than the sowing date, but the responses of cultivars sown on different sowing dates depends on their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Thus, this study evaluated the adaptability and stability of 17 soybean genotypes in relation to yield, as well as to the grain oil and protein contents as a function of different sowing times. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with three replications and a 17 × 5 factorial scheme. The genotypes were: Conquista, CD 223 AP, Elite, Garantia, Bioagro lineage, M-Soy 8400, M-soy 8001, Nambu, Sambaíba, Esplendor, UFVS 2006, UFVS 2005, UFVTN 102, UVF 18, UFV 16, Valiosa, Vencedora, and the five sowing dates were: SD1 = 11/3, SD2 = 11/20, SD3 = 12/07, SD4 = 12/23, and SD5 = 01/09. The M-Soy 8001, UFV 18 and Garantia genotypes showed high oil contents, with adaptation to all sowing dates and stability when sown on the most favorable dates. The Bioagro lineage, CD 223 AP, and Garantia genotypes were adapted and stable when sown on all sowing dates and had higher protein contents than the other genotypes, regardless of the sowing date. The Elite, Nambu, and Garantia genotypes were adapted and stable when sown on the most favorable sowing dates and presented high grain yields when sown in early December. The findings indicate that the Garantia genotype is the most suitable for the growing conditions of the central-north region of the state of São Paulo.


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