


Caryocar brasiliense. Noodles. Nutritional composition. Technological evaluation. Sensory analysis.


Pasta products are generally formulated based on wheat flour, and the insertion of other vegetable raw materials, such as pequi fruit, can provide increased nutritional value, along with differentiated technological and sensory characteristics. Thus, the aim of this study was to produce pasta with different levels of substitution of wheat flour with pequi pulp flour, to determine its proximate composition and to evaluate its technological and sensory properties. Pastas were produced with 5%, 10% and 15% of wheat flour being substituted by pequi pulp flour, and there was also a control group. Technological analyses (cooking time, volume expansion, water absorption, cooking loss, color difference and chromaticity), chemical analyses (moisture, ash, lipids, proteins and total carbohydrates) and sensory tests (acceptance and intention consumption) were carried out. The main results showed that pequi flour promoted an expansion in volume and water absorption in the product; raw and cooked pasta had more intense colors; moisture, ash and lipid content was increased by using pequi flour; and the sensory test scores for the samples with pequi were high in relation to the control samples, with the formulations with the highest content of pequi flour being the best evaluated. It is concluded that the pastas with pequi flour are promising products for the food industry.



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Food Engineering