


Uniformity trial. Intercropping. Estimation models.


This study aimed to compare three methods of estimating the optimum plot size to evaluate the fresh matter productivity of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), slender leaf rattlebox (Crotalaria ochroleuca), and showy rattlebox (Crotalaria spectabilis). Twenty-seven uniformity trials were carried out with pearl millet, slender leaf rattlebox, and showy rattlebox cultivated alone and intercropped. Fresh matter productivity was evaluated in 972 basic experimental units (BEU) of 1 m × 1 m (36 BEU per trial). The optimum plot size was determined using the methods modified maximum curvature, linear response with plateau model, and quadratic response with plateau model. The optimum plot size differs between methods and decreases in the following order: quadratic response with plateau model (9.94 m2), linear response with plateau model (7.41 m2), and modified maximum curvature (3.49 m2). The optimum plot size to evaluate the fresh matter productivity of pearl millet, slender leaf rattlebox, and showy rattlebox cultivated alone or intercropped is 7.41 m2. This size could be used as a reference for future experiments.


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