


Zea mays. Recurrent selection. Low nitrogen. Low phosphorus. Half-sib.


The objective of this work was to estimate and compare phenotypic and genetic parameters after three cycles of intrapopulation recurrent selection for fresh corn grown under three nutrient availability conditions. Three experiments derived from the same population (MV-003) were conducted to assess the ability of progenies to absorb nutrients, one under adequate fertilization (control; MV-006), one under low nitrogen availability (N; MV-006N), and one under low phosphorus availability (P; MV-006P). The experiments were carried out in randomized blocks, with 64 half-sib progenies and three replications for each nutritional condition. Chlorophyll index, plant height, ear insertion, ear diameter, ear length, unhusked ear yield, and marketable husked ear were evaluated. The populations showed variability for the three nutrient availability conditions. The variability reduced after only three selection cycles; thus, evaluating a higher number of half-sib progenies, above 64, under low N and P availability is indicated. The rates used to identify the most efficient progenies in breeding programs should be close to the appropriate one, with a slow reduction after the selection cycles. The variability will be thus maintained, with a greater possibility of identifying more promising progenies. In addition, the frequency of favorable alleles increases more gradually and effectively. The N and P rate of 60 kg ha-1 is not indicated as a critical level for the initial phase of the program.


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