


Pollination. Melon. Apis mellifera. Cucumis melo.


Previous investigations showed that diverse varieties of melon may have different attractiveness for bees. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the composition, frequency and behavior of flower visitors of some melon (Cucumis melo) cultivars (Amarelo, Pele de Sapo, Cantaloupe, Gália) in different conditions (conventional and organic farming, dry and rainy seasons, with and without mulching and introduction or not of honey bee hives) in the main production poles in the Brazilian Northeast (Petrolina-PE/Juazeiro-BA, Pacajus-CE and Mossoró-RN). Observations and collections of flower visitors occurred from 5p.m. to 6p.m, in non-consecutive days. We recorded 12 species of insects, mostly bees. The most frequent was Apis mellifera (99.68%), but other species appeared sporadically (less than 0.5%): Xylocopa grisescens, Trigona spinipes, Plebeia sp., Melipona mandacaia, Frieseomelitta doedereleini, Halicitidae. Apis mellifera was present in all studied cultivars and sites. Xylocopa grisescens appeared in two poles, but not in Pacajus-CE, Amarelo cultivar. In addition, Trigona spinipes, although present in the three poles, was not recorded on Pele de Sapo. The Amarelo cultivar, under organic farming, without the use of mulching, and presence of honey bee hives, in the Petrolina-PE/Juazeiro-BA pole, in the dry season, was the combination of factors showing the largest number of Apis mellifera as the main visitor of melon flowers.


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