


Bipyridyliums. Chlorophyll fluorescence. Oxidative stress. Photosystem I inhibiting herbicides. Zea mays L.


The action of photosystem I (PSI) inhibiting herbicides depends on light to cause oxidative stress in plants. However, their translocation is inhibited due to their rapid action in the presence of light. The aim was to evaluate the efficacy of the herbicide diquat for control of corn plants subjected to different periods of absence of light after application. Two experiments (field and greenhouse) were conducted, applying the herbicide diquat (200 g a.i. ha-1) to maize plants at stage V4. The plants were subjected to different periods of absence of light after diquat application: 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 and 6 hours. A treatment without herbicide application was used as a control. The control (%) and biomass of corn plants were evaluated in both experiments, and photosynthetic activity and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) accumulation in leaves were evaluated in the greenhouse experiment. The results showed that diquat needs at least 5 hours of absence of light after application to fully control corn plants. The plants recovered when using shorter periods (4 hours or less) of darkness, and injuries were restricted to points where the herbicide had contact with the plant. The ability of plants to recover was related to the higher photosynthetic activity and oxidative stress induction due to early light exposure. Thus, the lower production of H2O2 in plants kept in the dark for longer periods after herbicide application allows the translocation of the herbicide to meristems, which prevents regrowth of corn plants.


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