


Digitaria insularis. Glycine max. Weed-crop competition. Weed density.


Sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) is one of the main species causing significant losses in Brazilian soybean production systems. Thus, this paper aimed to evaluate sourgrass interference on soybeans grown under Cerrado conditions. Three field experiments were conducted, of which the first two (E1 and E2) simulated sourgrass after pre-sowing burndown, using plants already emerged by the time soybeans were sown; whereas the third (E3) simulated both sourgrass and soybeans emerged simultaneously. Both E1 and E2 were conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five treatments based on sourgrass infestation densities (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 plants m-2) and four replications. In turn, E3 was also carried out in an RCBD but with treatments arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial and four replications. The first factor comprised two soybean cultivars, while the second was sourgrass density levels, just as in E1 and E2. The results showed that increasing sourgrass densities reduced soybean yield regardless of the plant growth stage when the crop was sown. Yield losses were higher when sourgrass plants were already established by the time soybean was sown. Soybean yield losses reached up to 80% under higher sourgrass infestation levels.



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