


Winter crop. Sorghum bicolor. Zea mays.


Sorghum is a commonly grown plant in the Central-West region of Brazil as a second crop; however, it is grown almost exclusively as a second crop after maize in the state of Paraná (South region). The growth of sorghum crops is an option for areas or times in which the growth of maize crops can be risky. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of eight sorghum hybrids (ADV-123, ADV-114, 1G100, 50A10, 1G244, 50A40, 50A50, and 1G282) grown in three sowing times in two agricultural years: 2014 (February 20, March 02, and March 03) and 2015 (February 09, February 19, and March 01), and four maize hybrids in 2014 (DKB-330-Pro, P-3431-HX, Formula-TL, and AG-9010-Pro) and five maize hybrids in 2015 (DKB-330-Pro, P-3431-HX, Formula-TL, DKB-275-Pro, and DKB-290-Pro), in the same sowing times used for sorghum. A randomized complete block experimental design with a split-plot factorial arrangement was used, with the sowing times in the plots and the hybrids in the sub-plots. The variables evaluated were: number of days from sowing to flowering, leaf area index, 1,000-grain weight, grain yield, number of spikelets per panicle, for the sorghum crop; and number of rows per ear and number of grains per row, for the maize crop. The comparison between the two crops showed that the sorghum maintained higher production stability in the different sowing times.


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