


Phaseolus vulgaris. Genetic variability. Scott-Knott test. Selection index.


Developing fast-cooking, mineral-biofortified common bean lines represents an important innovation for breeding programs. Thus, this study was conducted to determine whether elite Mesoamerican common bean lines differ for cooking time and mineral concentration and to select fast-cooking, mineral-biofortified lines. The experiments were carried out in two growing seasons, in which 16 common bean genotypes were evaluated. Cooking time was determined using a Mattson cooker, and the minerals were analyzed by acid digestion. The resulting data were subjected to individual analysis of variance, combined analysis of variance, clustering by the Scott-Knott test, and selection index (multiplicative). There was a significant genotype × environment interaction effect for cooking time and the concentrations of potassium, iron, zinc and copper. Only the phosphorus concentration showed no genetic variability between the common bean lines. The ranking of the best common bean lines differed for all traits examined in the different environments, according to the Scott-Knott test. The use of the multiplicative selection index allows selecting superior common bean lines for all traits, namely, DF 07-11, DF 08-21, DF 08-20 and DF 08-28. These lines exhibit a very short cooking time (up to 15 min), high potassium concentration (> 12.00 g kg-1 of dry matter) and the highest mean values of micromineral concentration, and will thus be selected by the breeding program.



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Author Biography

Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro, Department of Plant Science, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Departamento de Fitotecnia Genética e melhoramento de feijão Professor Associado III


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