


Soil structure. Pore function. Soil physical quality.


Compaction modifies the structural arrangement and essential functions of soil pores. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of different compaction levels in an Argissolo Amarelo (Ultisol) on the physical-hydraulic attributes that indicate the functionality of soil pores. The experiment was conducted using 0.05 x 0.05 m soil cylinders with 4 compaction levels (CL): 61, 71, 82 and 92%, and at each CL, the pore-size distribution, intrinsic soil air permeability (Kair), pore continuity index N, soil water characteristic curve and cumulative pore-size frequency were quantified under a completely randomized design. The increase in CL did not impact the amount of micropores, but reduced the amount of macropores to values lower than the minimum required from the CL of 82%. The increase in CL caused reductions in N index, Kair and aeration porosity, but with different amplitude depending on the CL and the water tension in the soil. CL above 61% reduced the water content at the tension range between 0 and 6 kPa and, as a consequence, increased the percentage of aeration pores, besides promoting greater water retention within the range between 10 and 1500 kPa. The evaluation of the physical-hydraulic attributes of the Argissolo Amarelo (Ultisol) revealed that the increase in the compaction level altered soil structure, reduced and formed pores that were poorly continuous and less permeable to air flow and, despite the higher water retention at the higher tensions, promoted lower available moisture content.


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