


Cucumis anguria L. Heterosis. Crossing.


The gherkin (Cucumis anguria L.) is a species of African origin, belonging to the family of cucurbits, widely cultivated in Brazil, but with little information on the genetic control of the characteristics. Additive gene effects, reflected in estimates of variety or performance effects “per se,” are important in the expression of traits in maxixe genotypes. The objective of this study was to estimate the combinatorial capacity and the gene effect in gherkin genotypes. Two experiments were conducted in 2 years in a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were nine parents of gherkin and their hybrid combinations obtained in a diallel cross. Varietal heterotic expression as the greatest in the characteristics of fruit diameter, average weight, and firmness of the fruit pulp. In gherkin genotypes, the largest deviations due to non-additive gene effects were in the characteristics of fruit diameter, length, and yield. In general, the crosses that had commercial genotypes as parents, presented high average estimates, associated in some cases with favorable estimates of non-additive gene effects.


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